
One Day Bus Tour : 2023 11/16(Thu.) and 11/18(Sat.) 

We are pleased to offer you a tour to enjoy EDO-MASARI SAWARA ONE DAY BUS TOUR.
We have been commissioned by NIPPONIA SAWARA Inc. to accept registration and payment on this website. Please confirm the registration method and deadline before proceeding. The event will be held in Sawara, Hokuso, a place associated with Ino Tadataka, with a theme of experiencing history, tradition, and food, and will be limited to participants. The tour will include a guided visit to the Ino Tadataka Memorial Museum, a visit to the Katori Jingu Shrine, one of the three largest Shinto shrines in Japan, with commentary by a Shinto priest, and an opportunity to view classical performing arts. We sincerely look forward to your application.  
If you have any questions, please contact Keio Travel Agency .

Sincerely yours

Planning and travel implementation
Keio Travel Agency
Tokyo the 1st Branch
Certified General Travel Services Manager: Hirotaka Ishii



🚍 One Day Bus Tour 🚍

 ~Let's do sightseeing in kimono~



10 persons per each day. Applications will be closed when the fixed number of applicants is reached.

Tour Fee: JPY 11,000  (tax and lunch is included in the price 

※The price doesn't include the expenses to the meeting place. 


★Thursday, Nov.16th, 2023
Let's make Japanese sweets and local food, etc...


① Let's meet at the West Exit of Shinjuku Station : The Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Building where the bus starts for sawara.(8:30)
⇩ ※ change into a kimono

② Sawara Walk in a kimono (10:30-11-20)

③ SAKE (rice wine) brewery visit (11:30-11:55)

④ Local food French 「LE UN」(Lunch 12:00-13:30)
(※a sample)

⑤ Visit a shrine to pray and enjoy chrysanthemum viewing (13:50-14:30)

⑥ Let's make Japanese sweets (15:00-16:00)

 (※a depiction)

⇩ ※ change clothes

⑦ Rest stop at "Mizu-no-sato Sawara (shopping 16:50-17:10)

⑧ Dismiss at the West Exit of Shinjuku Station (19:00)


★Saturday, Nov.18th, 2023 ★

Local SAKE tasting  and Eel rice box, etc...

① Let's meet at the West Exit of Shinjuku Station : The Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Building (8:30)
⇩※ change into a kimono
② Sawara walk in a kimono.(10:30-11:20)

③ SAKE (rice wine) brewery visit (11:30-11:55)

④ Sawara's famous 'eel rice box' (Lunch 12:00-12:50)
 (※a sample)
⇩ Farmer's market & Local SAKE (rice wine) tasting (13:00-13:40)


Admire the Japanese traditional entertainments (14:00-15:30)
(※a depiction)

⑦ The tour of the "Inoh Tadataka Museum

⇩※ change clothes 
⑧ Rest stop at 'Mizu-no-sato Sawara shopping 16:50-17:10) 

⑨ Dismiss at the West Exit of Shinjuku Station (19:00)

Creating a login ID To perform various procedures, you will first need to create a "Login ID".
Please enter the necessary information in the new registration field at the bottom of the page. Once registration is complete, a login ID will be issued. At the same time, a registration completion email will be sent to the email address you registered. After registering, you can access My Page using your login ID and password. You will be required to register, confirm, change, and cancel various procedures from My Page, so please be sure to save it.

Membership authentication (login to my page)

Application (tour application) On my page, we have prepared an application tag for "tour application". Please complete the procedure by the deadline.

Payment procedure Please complete the payment procedure from "Go to payment method selection screen" at the bottom of My Page. The payment method is "card payment".

Application completed Please pay using the payment method displayed on the payment procedure screen. *Please note that just applying for a tour does not complete your application. Your application will be complete once payment has been completed.

Method of payment

We will provide you with instructions on how to pay.
Our system requires payment by credit card.

① If you choose to pay by credit card Once the input is complete, the lump-sum payment will be completed. Additionally, the date on which funds will be withdrawn from your account varies depending on each credit card company, so please contact each credit card company for details.

Acceptable credit cards

Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information (Privacy Policy)

The corporate mission of Keio Travel Agency Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Keio Travel”) is “topromote harmony with the local community, contribute to society, and be trusted by customers.” Theobjective of Keio Travel’s business is to provide services that satisfy the customers. The corporatemission of Keio Corporation, with which Keio Travel is affiliated, is “to be the most trusted leadingcompany.”

In addition to striving to achieve its corporate mission, Keio Travel’s management believes that it isthe company’s societal responsibility to protect its customers’ personal information. Keio Travelprotects such information in accordance with the following Basic Policy on the Protection of PersonalInformation of Keio Corporation.

1. Keio Travel appropriately collects its customers’ personal information.When Keio Travel requestsits customers to submit their personal information, the company clearly states the purpose of use andutilizes such information only within the scope of the stated purposes.

2. Keio Travel manages all customers’ personal information properly and responsibly within thecompany’s personal information administrative structure.

3. Keio Travel takes action to prevent leakage, loss, and falsification of personal information, andtakes the necessary safety measures accordingly.

4. Before providing customers’ personal information to third parties, Keio Travel obtains customers’consent in advance, unless otherwise required by laws, and properly provides only the minimumamount of information required.

5. Keio Travel has established company regulations regarding the protection and handling of personalinformation in accordance with the various laws and regulations regarding personal information, andstrives to observe them.

6. Keio Travel conducts employee training and audits company regulations to ensure that thecompany regulations regarding personal information are being observed.

7. If customers request to have their personal information disclosed, Keio Travel will respond to theirrequests for disclosure, revision, suspension of use, etc. within the reasonably possible scope.
Established on April 1, 2005
For details, please refer to
Keio Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Tokyo 1
2-3-10, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0022, Japan
Office Hours:9am - 6pm (Mon - Fri)
Certified General Travel Services Manager*: Takahiro Ishii
Person in charge: Rina Sasaki / Yuki Kohno

*A Certified General Travel Services Manager is the person responsible for transactions at the business office that handles travel for customers.

If you have any questions about the explanation given by the person in charge regarding this trip, please feel free to contact the Certified General Travel Services Manager listed above.

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Internet operations(JPN)   Privacy Policy(ENG) Tour Terms & Conditions(JPN)