
Registration Form

International Symposium 
Leadership and DE&I in Academia:
Education in the 21st Century Envisioned by Women University Presidents

【Date】Friday, March 15, 2024.  13:30-15:30
【Venue】Inter-faculty Building 2, Room 201, Ochanomizu University
【Online】Zoom Webinar
【Registration deadline】Friday, March 8
(For online participation, we will inform the Zoom URL after you register for this form.)

Registration Procedure (Application Procedure)

Please enter the necessary information for participation in the symposium on the "New Registration" page above.

STEP①: New Registration button ➡STEP②: Input registration information ➡STEP③: Confirm registration details ➡STEP④: Registration completed

After the registration is completed, you will receive an e-mail "Registration Completed". If you wish to  modify or cancel your registration, please contact us the following information.


International Symposium Leadership and DEandI in Academia_Education in the 21st Century Envisioned by Women University Presidents Preparation Committee 
E-mail: gwl-office@cc.ocha.ac.jp

Contact information
KEIO Travel Agency Co.,Ltd. - Global Tour Center
Address:2F Sinjukugyoen Bldg., 2-3-10, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
Travel agency No. 10 registered by the Commissioner of the Japan Tourism Agency, member of the general incorporated association Japan Association of Travel Agent
E-mail: gtc@keio-kanko.co.jp

*KEIO Travel Agency Co., Ltd. has been commissioned by Ochanomizu University to provide the necessary information for those who wish to participate in the Ochanomizu University Women Leaders in Higher Education Summit International Symposium on behalf of Ochanomizu University. Please register your information from the "New Registration" link at the above of this page.